Responding to environmental hazards and preparing for future risks in central Vietnam
Compounding the impact of the war, Vietnam is beginning to experience new challenges caused by extreme weather events and climate change. Due to its high flood risk, increasingly frequent tropical storms, and the fact that two of Vietnam’s most important economic sectors are in lowlands and deltas, the World Bank predicts that Vietnam will be one of the five countries most affected by climate change.
The continued presence of explosive remnants of war makes it more challenging for communities to prepare for environmental hazards. EO limits economic opportunities, blocks access to resources, and heightens risk during and after climate change–related disasters. Without proper support and adaptation, the combination of war legacy and climate change will continue to have devastating impacts on people’s lives and livelihoods.
PeaceTrees is committed to supporting communities throughout central Vietnam as they begin to address these new challenges. Increasingly our programs aim to address flood risk, support the diversification of livelihoods, and provide access to clean water in communities that experience the dual impact of environmental hazards and war legacy.