Humanitarian Mine Action

Capacity Development

Strengthening EOD technician expertise

PeaceTrees is committed to making sure that the EOD technicians, who put their lives in danger each day to locate, remove, and detonate explosive remnants of war, are trained to the highest possible international standards. In the field of humanitarian mine action, these standards are called International Mine Action Standards (IMAS). There are three levels of certification that an EOD technician can work towards, and before any EOD technician is allowed to operate in the field, PeaceTrees ensures that they have mastered “IMAS I.” 

PeaceTrees trainers are already proficient in delivering in-house IMAS training and are themselves certified IMAS-III technicians. Funding from the US Department of State and Rotary International allows PeaceTrees to continue to hone our trainers’ skills and offer additional professional development opportunities to all of our demining staff. Golden West Humanitarian Foundation has been instrumental in providing ongoing training and train-the-trainer opportunities for PeaceTrees technicians and trainers.

Each level of IMAS certification requires technicians to complete intensive classroom instruction and demolition training followed by field mentoring. To demonstrate their knowledge of material presented, technicians are required to pass multiple tests and a final exam during the training course. At the completion of the year-long mentoring period, all qualifying technicians receive certificates as IMAS level I, 2, or 3 operators in a graduation ceremony. Waiting until the end of year to certify allows technical advisors to monitor and assist trainees in the field while working. This also ensures that when they receive the IMAS certifications, technicians have demonstrated their understanding of material and ability to follow the International Mine Action Standards.

Learn more about our technicians:

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