

Providing opportunities to study

Many families in Quảng Trị and Quảng Bình experience generational poverty rooted in the aftermath of war. Financial insecurity is even greater for families coping with explosive ordnance accidents. Children often quit schooling so they can help financially support their families. Without a proper education, children are limited in their future economic prospects, which further perpetuates a cycle of poverty.

Access to education is a proven poverty reduction measure as it allows children to develop skills, hone their critical thinking abilities, and gain exposure to new ideas and opportunities. PeaceTrees’ scholarship program aims to ease the financial burden of sending a child to school, therefore increasing the likelihood that a child will receive the education required to gain financial stability.

PeaceTrees scholarship project was started in 2005 to support the children of Quảng Trị parents who were in EO accidents. Today, scholarships are awarded to female ethnic minority children, children impacted by an EO accident or living with a disability, and children experiencing financial hardships in both Quảng Trị and Quảng Bình. 

Scholarships support children from the ages of 5 to 22 so that they can attend primary school through college. PeaceTrees scholarships fund a full-year of school fees, textbooks, notebooks, uniforms, and additional administrative expenses that students would otherwise be unable to afford and assures that those costs will be covered so long as the child continues in school.

Thanks to the generous support of PeaceTrees donors, over 3,089 scholarships have been awarded to date.

2021 Scholarship Survey Results

Chin's scholarship story:

Scholarship recipient spotlights:

  • mcknight group
  • Fran's Chocolate
  • State Dept
  • Sahale
  • PerkinsCoie
  • Flying Good Group
  • Chateau St. Michelle
  • Chinoise
  • Olde Thompson
  • Prolumina
  • Columbia Bank
  • Lustre Cal
  • Red Boat Fish Sauce
  • Veterans for Peace
  • Louisa Davis Properties